Deja vu - is a French word that means already seen or almost seen
-It is that spiritual energy that connects people to the situations that they had encountered before.
- Deja vu is like a photograph or scene of a movie that is stuck in our mind and we feel that we have seen this already.
Reasons behind deja vu
Attention - when people are performing an activity or task and their attention gets distracted by natural stimuli then it shifts their attention to the first perception that we have done this before.
Memory - familiarity plays a major role when people visit familiar places and encounter familiar situations then they feel it has happened with them several times.
Spilt perception
If an individual has experienced a current sensory occurrence successively twice the time then the first information is brief, degraded, occluded soon following that the second perception may be familiar because the individual can naturally relate to it.
It occurs when the information is learned and forgotten but the information is stored in the brain and a similar situation evokes the stored information which leads to a feeling of familiarity because the individual has already experienced it before
Dual neurological processing
In 1964 Robert Efron of Boston veterans hospital stated that Deja vu is caused by delayed signals according to Robert Efron the brain sorting of incoming signals is done in the temporal lobe of the brain left hemisphere. The signals enter the temporal lobe twice before processing information.
If two signals were occasionally not synchronised properly, then they would be processed as two separate experiences with the second experience experienced at first.
Dreams are useful for understanding Deja vu in three aspects.
Certain Deja vu experiences duplicate the situations in dreams instead of real-life
People experience Deja vu because they remember Some elements in their dreams.
Many people experience Deja vu in the dream state
Similar terms
Jamais vu - never seen
- non- recognition of the familiar situation
- involves a sense of eeriness and observer impression of encountering the situation for the first time even knowing they have been in the situation before.
- it occurs when an individual does not recognize people or places they already know
- connected with certain types of aphasia, amnesia, and epilepsy
Deja vecu - already lived
- having a false perception of living the present situation before
Presque vu - Almost seen
An intense feeling of being on the verge of a powerful epiphany, insight, or revelation without achieving the revelation
- it is a feeling connected with frustration, a tantalizing sense of incompleteness, or near completeness
Deja reve - already dreamed
In this people experience deja vu in dreams which is being currently experienced
Deja entendu - already heard
Feeling of sure about having heard something even though the exact details are uncertain or imagined
Source of the information -
- Wikpedia
- Goggle